

    • 多樣化主題,讓寶貝發揮創意自由創作


    • 適合3歲以上小朋友


    • 磁鐵書硬殼包裝,可直立擺放,就像一本有質感的精裝書


    • 可重覆黏貼的磁鐵,邊角圓潤不刮手,圖卡繽紛可愛


    • 具磁性的精緻外盒設計,好收納磁鐵不弄丟,方便外出攜帶


  • 豐富的磁鐵元件讓寶貝發揮創意,搭配場景來拼湊,同時訓練手眼協調
  • 【熱銷】磁鐵書硬殼包裝》可直立擺放,就像一本有質感的精裝書
  • 可重覆黏貼,厚達0.3公分,圓潤不刮手
  • 附引導圖卡教學,讓寶貝發揮創意,搭配場景拼湊,同時訓練手眼協調
  • 具磁性的精緻外盒設計,好收納磁鐵不弄丟,外出好攜帶

Have you discovered Magneti’books yet? These portable, educational magnetic books are loved by young and old alike! So, how do they work? This magnetic box includes a host of different magnetic items for kids to put together, according to the template or any way they like! This game with its cardboard pieces will transport children aged 3 and over to the animal kingdom with its 72 magnetic parts and 8 template cards. Inside, you can use the magnetic board to build a picture of the animal shown on each card using the magnets provided. All the magnetic pieces are completely interchangeable, so kids can have hours of fun coming up with all sorts of crazy, funny animals! Big laughs are guaranteed! Helps children develop their imagination and fine motor skills.

Dimensions: 19 x 4 x 26 cm (7.5 x 1.6 x 10.2″)

Material(s): Cardboard

Box type: Lovely book-shaped box set, ideal for storing in a library or for carrying

Suitable from 3 – 8 years old


